“The LEGO® Movie™ 4D A New Adventure” is an all-new attraction set to premier to theme park guests at LEGOLAND® Florida. The attraction will feature characters from The LEGO® Movie™, including Emmet, Wyldstyle, Unikitty, MetalBeard and Benny.
The attraction will also include Risky Business, a shady character who plans to open a theme park that happens to resemble LEGOLAND®. The short 3D film will appear multiple times a day in the Wells Fargo Fun Town Theater with “4D” effects, including wind, water, fog and more.
The LEGO® Movie™ 4D Premiere takes place on January 29, 2016 and is included with regular theme park admission to LEGOLAND® Florida.
For additional information on this event, visit the official Special Events page on the official LEGOLAND® Florida Resort website.